The Rectory Rev Arthur Cecil Clarke
Fairleigh Mrs Coates
The Glenne George Adamson Day
The Grange John Elmhirst JP
Eversfield Misses Ernest
Bank House Henry John Etty
Elvington House Capt Frederick William Holt Whitell
Brinkworth Hall Mrs Rothery
The Villa Arthur Stacey
Mrs Mary Appleyard shopkeeper
Henry Octavius Backhouse Red House Farm
George Frederick Challis farm bailiff to RR Richardson Canon House
Joseph Allison & sons Derwent Valley Brick & Tile Co.
Harry Harmson Beck Farm
William Hornshaw & sons Wheelwrights
Horace Horsley horse slaughterer
Robert Jacques fruit merchant
Harold Jefferson coal merchant
William Jefferson shopkeeper
Charles S Leaf butcher
Thomas Bernard Pears White House farm
Harry Potter blacksmith
Jason Shaw Belvoir House
Robert Shaw Scotch Farm
William Simpson fried fish dealer
George Lund Wise builder
Harry Wroot Haulage contractor