31. In loving memory of ROBERT TINDALE of Elvington who died 29th
Setember 1875 aged 79 years.
died May 4th 1890 aged 93 years.
Also of HARRIET TINDALE daughter of the above who died
10th September 1868 aged 31 years
Also of GEORGE TINDALE who died 17th February 1900 aged
64 years only son of the above ROBERT and MARY TINDALE
32. In loving memory of SARAH TAYLOR of Elvington who died May 18th 1888 aged
75 years
Thy will be done
33. In memory of GRACE DUCE who died May the 2nd 1867 aged 57 years
There is rest for the weary in Heaven
34. Thy will be done. In loving memory of CORDELIA the beloved wife of G H
DANIEL who died 12th July 1901 aged 40 years.
Also of the above G H DANIEL died 7th January 1949 aged
92 years
35. Sacred to the memory of the Revd: THOMAS MAUDE MA for 24 years Rector
of this Parish. born May 12th 1801 died July 18th 1865. By Grace are we saced through faith and not of yourselves. It is the
gift of God. Eph: II 8 He being dead yet speaketh Heb XI 4
38. Sacred to the memory of JAMES TILBURN who died Sepr 5th 1858 aged 76 years
40. In affectionate remembrance of HENRY WISE of Elvington ( ) 1871
41. SARAH CAPON BULL who fell asleep in Jesus August 19th 1869 aged 66 years
42. In affectionate remembrance of EDMOND WARREN of Witham Friary Somersetshire
who died March 19th 1872 aged 28 years
43.in memory of WILLIAM COOK born October 28th 1813 and died October 1st 1882
H C 1898 ANN COOK died January 8th 1912 aged 71 years
44. In loving memory of THOMAS STAINTON born January 8th 1844 died June 19th
45. In loving memory of THOMAS TILBURN of Elvington who died Sept 6th 1873
aged 41 years
Also of ELIZA wife of the above who died at Elvington December
2nd 1881 aged 42 years
46. E WISE
47.Sacred to the memory of HARRIET daughter of THOMAS and REBECCA CROFT of
the City of York who died Feby 17th 1840 aged 20 years Tho' lost to sight to memory dear Reader survey the ground you tread
Think 'tis the region of the dead Ask are you ready to obey The call that summon'd me away
48. To the memory of a faithful servant ANN McMURTRIE born in Ayrshire N B
25th April 1807 died January 20th 1841 Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth
Prov XXVII 1
49. In loving memory of ER COATES who died July 15th 1928 aged 89 years
50. HAROLD only son of WILLIAM aged 70 ANNIE JANE his wife aged 81. In dear
memory of WILLIAM the beloved husband of the late AGNES JEFFERSON who died 12th June 1945 aged 83 years Re-united
51. In loving memory of AGNES beloved wife of WILLIAM JEFFERSON who died April
20th 1928 aged 66 years At rest
52. To the memory of FISHER MURRAY a faithful black servant who came from
Madeira with THOMAS CHEAP Esq who was Consul there and after living 60 years in the family died 18th December 1821
53. To the memory of WILLIAM EYRE of Ferrybridge who departed this life Sepr
19th 1810 aged 70 years
54.To the memory of Mrs ELIZABETH SANDERSON who departed this life June 5th
A D 1819 aged 78 years. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death (note
sister of the late Sir James Sanderson Elvington)
55. In loving memory of HUGH FOX of Elvington who fell
asleep August 25th 1896 aged 60 years All is well
Also of OCTAVIA FOX widow of the above who fell asleep 6th October
1908 aged 58 years
Also HERBERT FOX third son of the above who fell asleep 12th May 1907
aged 33 years Thy will be done
Also CHARLES FOX sixth son of the above who fell asleep 5th June
1925 aged 44 years
56. In loving remembrance of MARY WRIGHTSON who died June 13th 1875 aged 75
MARTIN WRIGHTSON her husband died January 31st 1893 aged 87 years.
Erected by their son JOHN WRIGHTSON of New York USA
57. In loving memory of MARY JANE wife of THOMAS SYKES 4 Crofts Terrace York
who died December 18th 1905 aged 76 years
Asleep in Jesus
58. In loving memory of DAVID HUDSON son of JAMES and MARY FOSTER of Elvington
who departed this life July 10th 1874 aged 21 years. Prepare to meet thy God
Also of D H & A M who died in infancy
59. In loving memory of Major FREDERICK BURCH O B E The Royal Dragoons died
30th January 1929 aged 65 years.
Spectemur Agendo
60. Christ the first fruits afterwards they are that are Christ's at his coming
1 Cor XV 23
E G C 1873 M C C 1878 C E C 1871-1926
E A C A J C 1885 J E C
(note this is the Clarke family)